Budúci záväzok
Keď píšeme o budúcich záväzkoch, môžeme použiť formálny vzor zložený z dvoch častí
sloveso to be v prítomnom čase časované tak, aby korešpondovalo s podmetom + hlavné sloveso v neurčitku
To travel, ako budúci záväzok
Kladné | Záporné | Opytovacie | Opytovacie záporné |
I am to travel. | I am not to travel. | Am I to travel? | Am I not to travel? |
You are to travel. | You are not to travel. | Are you to travel? | Aren't you to travel? |
He is to travel. | He is not to travel. | Is he to travel? | Isn't he to travel? |
It is to travel. | It is not to travel. | Is it to travel? | Isn't it to travel? |
We are to travel. | We are not to travel. | Are we to travel? | Aren't we to travel? |
They are to travel. | They are not to travel. | Are they to travel? | Aren't they to travel? |
V písanej angličtine môžeme použiť tento vzor, ak sa vzťahujeme k záväzku alebo požiadavke, že urobíme niečo v neskoršom čase, ako teraz. Význam je podobný s must, ale vyjadruje to, že niečo bolo pre nás naplánované alebo zorganizované. V hovorovej angličtine sa zvyčajne nepoužíva.
- You are to leave this room at once, and you are to travel by train to London.
- In London you are to pick up your ticket from Mr Smith, and you are to fly to your destination alone.
- When you arrive, you are to meet our agent, Mr X, who will give you further information.
- You are to destroy this message now.