Interpunkcia sa využíva pre vytvorenie zmyslu, zrozumiteľnosti a prízvuku vo vetách. Interpunkčné znamienka využívate k štrukturovaniu a organizovaniu vášho písania.
Ak si skúsite prečítať tento text, ktorý nemá žiadnu interpunkciu, rýchlo pochopíte, prečo je dôležitá:
perhaps you dont always need to use commas periods colons etc to make sentences clear when i am in a hurry tired cold lazy or angry i sometimes leave out punctuation marks grammar is stupid i can write without it and dont need it my uncle Harry once said he was not very clever and i never understood a word he wrote to me i think ill learn some punctuation not too much enough to write to Uncle Harry he needs some help
Teraz sa pozrime, či je to s interpunkciou iné!
Perhaps you don't always need to use commas, periods, colons etc. to make sentences clear. When I am in a hurry, tired, cold, lazy, or angry I sometimes leave out punctuation marks. "Grammar is stupid! I can write without it and don't need it," my uncle Harry once said. He was not very clever, and I never understood a word he wrote to me. I think I'll learn some punctuation - not too much, enough to write to Uncle Harry. He needs some help!
Využite stránky v tejto časti interpunkcie k tomu, aby ste svoju angličtinu spravili zrozumiteľnejšou a organizovanejšou.
Pravidlá interpunkcie v angličtine
- bodka (alebo full stop v britskej angličtine)
- čiarka
- výkričník
- otáznik
- dvojbodka
- bodkočiarka
- úvodzovky
- apostrof
- spojovník a pomlčka
- okrúhle a hranaté zátvorky