Predbudúci čas priebehový


Predbudúci čas priebehový sa skladá z dvoch častí
predbudúci čas priebehový slovesa "to be" (will have been) + prítomné príčastie hlavného slovesa (základ + ing)

Podmet + will have been + prítomné príčastie
He will have been playing.
I will have been playing.
To live, predbudúci čas priebehový
Kladné Záporné Opytovacie Opytovacie záporné
I will have been living I won't have been living Will I have been living? Won't I have been living?
You will have been living You won't have been living Will you have been living? Won't you have been living?
He will have been living He won't have been living Will he have been living? Won't he have been living?
We will have been living We won't have been living Will we have been living? Won't we have been living?
They will have been living They won't have been living Will they have been living? Won't they have been living?


Tak, ako pri predbudúcom čase jednoduchom, sa tento tvar používa na to, aby sme sa presunuli do budúcnosti a pozreli sa späť. Ide o udalosti alebo akcie, ktoré sú v súčasnosti nedokončené, ale budú dokončené v budúcnosti. Najčastejšie sa používa s vyjadrením času.

  • I will have been waiting here for three hours by six o'clock.
  • By 2001 I will have been living in London for sixteen years.
  • When I finish this course, I will have been learning English for twenty years.
  • Next year I will have been working here for four years.
  • When I come at 6:00, will you have been practicing long?