Príslovky ever a never vyjadrujú neidentifikovaný čas pred terajškom (Have you ever visited Berlin?)'Ever' a 'never' sa vždy nachádzajú pred hlavným slovesom (minulé príčastie). Ever sa používa
V otázkach
Have you ever been to England?
Has she ever met the Prime Minister?
V negatívnych otázkach
Haven't they ever been to Europe?
Haven't you ever eaten Chinese food?
V negatívnych vetách použitím nothing+ever alebo nobody+ever
Nobody has ever said that to me before.
Nothing like this has ever happened to us.
Spolu s 'The first time'
It's the first time that I've ever eaten snails.
This is the first time I've ever been to England.
Never znamená at no time before now a je to to isté ako not ..... ever: (I have never visited Berlin)
I haven't never been to Italy.
I have never been to Italy.
Already sa vzťahuje k činnosti, ktorá sa stala bližšie nešpecifikovaný čas pred terajškom. Naznačuje, že opakovanie nie je potrebné.
I've already drunk three coffees this morning. (= and you're offering me another one!)
Don't write to John, I've already done it.
Tiež sa používa v otázkach ako:
Has she finished her homework already?
Already sa môže umiestniť pred hlavné sloveso (minulé príčastie), alebo na koniec vety:
I have been to Tokyo already.
Yet sa používa v záporných vetách a otázkach a znamená (not) in the period of time between before now and now, (not) up to and including the present. Yet zvyčajne nájdeme na konci vety.
Have you met Judy yet?
I haven't visited the Tate Gallery yet
Has he arrived yet?
They haven't eaten yet