Predprítomný priebehový podmieňovací čas


V tretej podmienkovej vete môže byť použitý predprítomný tvar prítomného podmieňovacieho času.

If veta (podmienka) Hlavná veta (výsledok)
If + predminulý čas predprítomný priebehový podmieňovací čas
If this thing had happened that thing would have been happening.


Predprítomný priebehový podmieňovací čas môže byť použitý v tretej podmienkovej vete. Vzťahuje sa na nenaplnený výsledok činnosti v if-vete a vyjadruje tento výsledok ako nedokončenú alebo prebiehajúcu činnosť.

  • If the weather had been better (but it wasn't), I'd have been sitting in the garden when he arrived (but I wasn't).
  • If she hadn't got a job in London (but she did), she would have been working in Paris (but she wasn't).
  • If I had had a ball I would have been playing football.
  • If I had known it was dangerous I wouldn't have been climbing that cliff.

Predprítomný priebehový podmieňovací čas

Predprítomný priebehový podmieňovací čas akéhokoľvek slovesa sa skladá zo štyroch častí:
would + have + been + prítomné príčastie
Prítomné príčastie sa vytvorí použitím základu slovesa, za ktoré sa pripojí koncovka -ing.

Podmet + would + have + been + prítomné príčastie
He would have been staying
They would have been going
To Work: Predprítomný priebehový podmieňovací čas
Kladné Záporné Opytovacie Opytovacie záporné
I would have been living I wouldn't have been living Would I have been living? Wouldn't I have been living?
You would have been living You wouldn't have been living Would you have been living? Wouldn't you have been living?
He would have been living He wouldn't have been living Would he have been living? Wouldn't he have been living?
She would have been living She wouldn't have been living Would she have been living? Wouldn't she have been living?
We would have been living We wouldn't have been living Would we have been living? Wouldn't we have been living?
They would have been living They wouldn't have been living Would they have been living? Wouldn't they have been living?