Vzťažné príslovky where, when & why môžu byť použité pre spájanie viet alebo vedľajších viet. Nahrádzajú formálnejšiu štruktúru predložka + which, ktorá sa používa pre uvedenie vzťažnej vedľajšej vety.
Formálna štruktúra, predložka + which | Bežnejšia štruktúra používajúca vzťažnú príslovku |
That's the restaurant in which we met for the first time. | That's the restaurant where we met for the first time. |
That picture was taken in the park at which I used to play. | That picture was taken in the park where I used to play. |
I remember the day on which we first met. | I remember the day when we first met. |
There was a very hot summer the year in which he was born. | There was a very hot summer the year when he was born. |
Tell me the reason for which you came home late. | Tell me (the reason) why you came home late. |
Do you want to know the reason for which he is angry with Sally? | Do you want to know (the reason) why he is angry with Sally? |